
I had not really painted since graduating from my art college in December 2000. I am not really good with colours, or that is what I thought so. I had already been exploring colours in my Digital Art. I painted 4 incomplete canvases in 2002 and then one piece of furniture in 2020 and then an experimental small canvas a few months later. I felt it was not my thing to be honest.
Then in February my friend Ricardo approached me, as he was participating in Casa Cor Rio 2021 as the principal landscape artists and he had a vision of his project, where he imagined different aspects of art coming up to make the complete The Coffee Garden experience. He created a small outdoor studio for me to paint in, and then he proceeded to convince me that I need to paint all these small b/w illustrations I make on a large scale canvas.
When I reached Casa Cor on the opening date, 02 March 2021, I saw a HUGE big white canvas mounted on an easel that my kind neighbour had given to me. I seriously, did not know what to do. Not only was it in intimidating and daunting, the crowds of eyes looking at me and the canvas was far more disconcerting. They expected me to do something and I had no idea what I was supposed to do.
So, I did what I do best in these cases, I pretended I knew what I was doing and opened my the large Turquoise Blue by Amsterdam paint tube, which I had bought on a whim, solely because I fell in love with the colour. AAAnd...
Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the Casa Cor garden artist plein air!